TMS for ADHD? Have We Finally Moved Beyond Medications Alone?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been explored in research as a potential treatment option for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)…
Can TMS Help Prevent or Treat Dementia?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been investigated as a potential treatment approach for dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease (AD)…
TMS and Autism: Does It Work?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has been explored in research as a potential treatment option for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), although findings are still preliminary and ongoing.
Deep Transmagnetic Stimulation (dTMS): Advancing Mental Health Treatment
Deep Transmagnetic Stimulation (dTMS) represents a cutting-edge advancement in the field of neuromodulation.
Can Ketamine Pasadena Help with Eating Disorders?
Before incorporating a Pasadena depression treatment into your mental healthcare plan, it is best to discuss it with your physician…
Does TMS Pasadena Cause Memory Loss?
At this time, there is no evidence linking depression TMS Pasadena with a negative impact on memory, concentration, or cognition.
Why Choose a Southern California TMS Center?
Pasadena Neuropsychiatry is an established Southern California TMS center that has performed over 5,000 successful TMS treatments.
Is Deep TMS Pasadena Better than rTMS?
The primary difference between rTMS and dTMS Pasadena comes with the devices used…
Does TMS Therapy Help with OCD?
As a southern California TMS center, our team recognizes how beneficial TMS therapy can be.
What Are the Pros and Cons of TMS Pasadena?
TMS Pasadena is a valuable interventional treatment in mental health, particularly when medications fail to be effective.
Is Saint TMS Pasadena the Same as TMS?
SAINT TMS Pasadena is a TMS protocol that uses intermittent theta burst stimulation to address treatment-resistant depression…
The Real Pros and Cons of Ketamine Pasadena Infusions
The traditional delivery method for Ketamine Pasadena is through IV therapy…
Is TMS Pasadena a Permanent Fix For Depression?
TMS Pasadena is an effective treatment for depression that the FDA has approved. It is particularly helpful when medication and therapy are shown to be ineffective…
OCD TMS Pasadena Treatment Without Drugs
Approximately 1.2% of adults in the United States have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. The symptoms of OCD are traditionally managed with…
3 Conditions Ketamine Pasadena Treat
Our team understands that interventional psychiatry can have life-changing effects on our patients. Ketamine Pasadena is just one treatment that we see bring relief.
Postpartum Depression: Can SoCal TMS Help?
Postpartum depression is a medical condition that requires intervention. While there are studies that indicate SoCal TMS could be beneficial in treating postpartum depression …
When May TMS Be Recommended as a Depression Treatment?
The best treatment for depression will depend on the patient’s history, along with the severity of the symptoms. In some cases, dTMS protocols such as SAINT TMS may be the best solution.
Why TMS Is Recommended as an Antidepressant Alternative?
We offer a variety of interventional treatments, including TMS Pasadena. At first glance, they may seem like alternatives to antidepressants. However…
Does TMS Work to Treat Depression?
We all experience emotional highs and lows, but depression symptoms go beyond typical feelings of sadness…Fortunately, there are treatments for depression, including medication and TMS…
Is TMS Good for OCD?
Despite what we may see on television shows, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is not a joke…some patients find better results with OCD TMS.